original plan is 730pm reach then hopefully 8pm will start eating then 9pm finish dinner..then those who wan after dinner prog will go to drink..
then in the end..all except meau and gtpp..reach before 7..then we walk to find the place..then we wait until 815++ then order food..cause someone -nv say anyone (look away)- is very late..and then we eat until 1010pm like that then leave the place..
ANYWAY~ below is the photos taken~
We went to Charcoal for dinner~
Menu for the day :D
ice water for everyone (except meau drink warm water)
table layout
Wen's orange juice
everyone else lime juice (except for meau, gtpp and wolfie)
meau's dont know wat drink..taste like soda..haha
and woflie's coffee
then people there see us wait for 2 person until very poor thing..give us bread eat 1st..:P
the bread is hard one lor..but when meau come and eat..then bread is warm and soft de == so unfair..
BUT we got finish the breads ok!
then finally..our 1st course is here!
meau, me, yas and min eat this i think..
others eat this..haha..THAT ONE IS CHEESE!! NOT TOFU! XD
then nx is the soup~ the soup is nice de lor..
everyone finish the soup! xD
then is main course le..
ehh...i think...is...meau..ting..wolfie?..snail eat this? hahaha..
then everyone else eat this..
except for meau..i think most say they like the chicken more then fish XD
then is ICECREAM~
super sweet de..that pie..the apple thing aso super sour de..hahaha..ok la..almost everyone finish it..except me only eat 2 mouthful wan vomit le =x
the making of "Wolfie's Snowman"
Wolfie's Snowman!
coming right up is bday girl's bday cake~greentea..cheese cake? i guess?
Hui Ting thinking -> "what are they waiting for? i want to eat my greentea cake!!"
Hui Ting "YOU say SOMEMORE! SAY SOMEMORE! i want to eat my CAKE!! RAWR"
"Make a wish~ make a wish~~"
Hui Ting "faster take la..i pause very long already ok!"
Present giving ceremony part 1 (shake hand)
Present giving ceremony part 2 (give present)
Hui Ting "what is this...not a camera? hmph.."
then..we had a group photo..but not with me..so i wont post it la xD
Hui Ting "ma..they nv give me a digital camera....."
Hui Ting "so..im still stuck with my..film...camera...-emo-"
and wolfie got punched! and pushed! xD
ok la..thats all..hahha..i need slp le la..later got work ok! x.x
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