Friday, October 17, 2008

Educational Post!

Don't 龟头 not good, never share with u all my secret to having such a guai pet Snail.

I hereby present u all with a SNAIL KILLING bible! Not that i am bored and start killing snail for fun okay, snails are meant to be killed because they are well known for being a PEST!

1. Hand Picking
Hand-picking and disposing of slugs and snails (including stomping on, throwing in the street, dropping in a bucket of salt water, etc.)

2. Lures and Traps
Place the pots, boards, cabbage leaves, or rinds in the garden in the evening and check daily. If pests are present throw them out, and put out fresh rinds or leaves. Check traps and destroy pests every morning until numbers drop, then check weekly.

What to do, Snails are dumb :)

3. Beer or Yeast & Honey Mixture
Snails and slugs are attracted to the scent of stale beer or a mixture of yeast and honey. Slugs and snails will get into the mixture and drown.

4. Yeast & Honey Mixture
this mixture. You’d be amazed at how well this works. The snails and slugs will glide right in and drown themselves. We’ve also heard old grape juice works well, but we have never tried that.

5. Dry Dog or Cat Food
Another good food to lure snails and slugs away from your plants is to use dry dog or cat food.

6. Copper Deterrents
Snails and slugs cannot tolerate copper; it gives them a slight electrical shock on contact.

7. Scratchy Things
Scratchy things such as crushed eggshells, sandpaper, cinders, wood ashes, and diatomaceous earth. Another scratchy material they don't like to cross is sandpaper.

8. Natural Predators
Possums, chickens, ducks, turtles, tortoises, rats, some birds, and snakes, will prey on snails and slugs. Most people that have chickens and ducks hardly ever see a slug or a snail.

9. Predatory Snails
A predatory snail called a Decollate snail (Rumina decollata) will feed on young snails and may be worth a try, but they also may nibble on young plants.

Hehe! Snails killing snails, how fun.

10. Organic Baits
Iron phosphate disposes of snails and slugs without mess. You may not see the dead slugs and snails in your garden because they often crawl away to secluded places to die.

11. Chemical Baits
Metaldehyde poison dehydrates the snail or slug rather rapidly if it eats the poison. That is a good thing, but slugs and snails can recover from Metaldehyde poisoning if there is rainfall, or access to wet locations, where they will not fully dehydrate and die.

12. Coffee Grounds
The alleged method of slug control using old coffee grounds, we think, amounts to gardening folklore because we have found it doesn't work very well.

13. Spray With Vinegar and Water
Mix equal parts vinegar and water. We have never tried this, but many people have sworn that spraying this mixture on snails and slugs solves the problem for them.

14. Herbal Repellent
Putting mint or sage in your mulch is reported to do a good job of repelling them. We have never tried this, but many people have sworn by using this mixture to repel slugs and snails.

You can always contact 龟头. My stares are 100% foolproof :)

So start killing snails today! Good luck~